Kedvenc motivációs idézetek

by - október 07, 2017


A mai bejegyzésben összeszedtem Nektek azt a 25(angol) idézetet , ami a leginspirálóbb a számomra.
Ezeket telefonos háttérképnek, havi Inspo-nak szoktam használni és mindig jó hatást keltenek, ami valljuk be, ebben a borongós őszi, sulis napokon kell is.

Lássuk az én bestjeimet. Képek formájában és szövegesen is felteszem, hogy olvasgatni is tudjátok, de letölteni is!

1, "Wake up with determination,
    Go to bed with satisfaction."

2, "Faith moves mountains." (Matthew 17:20)

3, "Wish.. DO."

4, "Yes, you can."

5, "If you want to make something for yourself, work harder than everybody else."

6, "Yesterday you said tomorrow."

7, "Don't stop until you're proud."

8, "Find the reasons,
     Lose the excuses,
     Gain the results. "

9, "Your only limit is you."

10, "I don't have dream, I have goals."

11, "It's never too late to start.
      It's never too early, either. "

12, "Stop looking for excuses to screw yourself over."

13, "If you want it, work for it! It's that Simple."

14, "Get up.
       Clear your desk.
       Tie your hair,
       and just start."

15, " You got this."

16, " Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire."

17, " The sun will rise and we will try again."

18, "Stronger than yesterday"

19, "I know what I want and I'm gonna get it. "

20, " Create your own path."

21, " You're one step closer everyday, so don't give up today."

22, "Don't tell people your dreams. Show them!"

23, " Always remember why you're doing it. "

24, "Wish less, work more."

25, " Whose dream is this?
        So who is going to work hard?

Remélem tetszett Nektek ez a bejegyzés, tudtatok inspirálódni, erőt gyűjteni egy kicsit!
Hamarosan jövök egy újabb bejegyzéssel.


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